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Crate Training
New puppy, adult rescue, or older dog crate training is an excellent option for giving your K9 buddy a safe place to be while you are at work, shopping, or for any reason you need to leave your dog home alone.
What's included?
1 Virtual One-On-One meeting with the instructor
Written Instructional Handouts
Online Support
Positive Associations
You will learn how to teach your dog positive associations with the crate so that he will go in when asked and enjoy being there.
Essential Steps
You will learn the set-ups and essential steps necessary to teach your new puppy, adult, or elderly dog to regard the crate as their den.
Frequently asked questions
FAQ What is Crate Training?
Answer: Crate training provides your dog with a place they can call their own. Dogs, like wolves, prefer Den-style sleeping quarters, and some dogs can be overwhelmed with large open concept homes.
FAQ What Size Of Crate Should I buy?
Answer: Think about a wolf's den. It doesn't have four bedrooms, three baths or a two-car garage. The den is big enough for the wolf to walk in without hunching down, stand and turn around comfortably, and sufficient room to lay down without his legs touching the sides or back of the den. Use this same concept when purchasing your dog's crate.
FAQ How Do I get Started?
Answer: You have come to the right place! This Crate Training Course will take you through all the steps to help your dog think of his crate as a relaxing retreat from the everyday hustle and bustle. With our virtual one-on-one meeting, written handouts, and online support, you simply won't get with YouTube or other video only resources.
FAQ Does Crate Training Help With Potty Training?
Answer: Crate training is an excellent option for new puppy potty training because most dogs want to keep their sleeping area clean instinctively. Again let us look at the wolves; they go outside the den to eliminate. It is only when dogs are held in the crate too long and can't get out do they have accidents inside the crate.
Lets Get Started Today!
Meet the instructor
Penny DiLoreto, CPDT-KA
Hi. I'm so happy you're here. I am a graduate of Animal Behavior College and have been working with dogs and their humans for over 12 years. I opened my first training business out of my home in 2009, and as my clients continued to grow, I moved my business out of my house and into a brick-and-mortar location K9 Resort and Spa, in 2012. More recently, I have expanded my services to include virtual and online training classes and started TLAD (Think Like A Dog) University. As you can hopefully tell, I am not some Johnny Come Lately, TV trainer. I use sound positive reinforcement techniques and get the results you and your dog deserve.